99 songs but a hit ain't one.

Age 34, Male

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StarF68's News

Posted by StarF68 - July 30th, 2007

Gasp! You read the title correctly (I hope), so yes. It is my birthday, and I am 17. o.O

So yeah, give me Mountain Dew, tell me how awsome I am...

Or you know, just call me a fag cause I crave the attention, lawl. :P

Hooray birthdays! I got a camera! And games! And Mountain Dew! :3

Edit'd for great justice.

Posted by StarF68 - July 25th, 2007

So I finally got my desk and computer downstairs, and the other stuff upstairs which basically means I am finally done moving my room downstairs. For about a day I had no internet, but I fixed it a bit ago... Remember to always check to see if your cords are completely plugged in... <.< >.>

So yeah, I'm finally back (After a day, lol) and now I'm in my new room downstairs. I basically have the entire downstairs to myself, including the big screen TV. :)

On a side note, today I was walking to Subway with Leonardo, and I found a Walmart shopping cart on the sidewalk... About three parking lots away from Walmart. What the fuck. Since the particular subway we were going to was in the Walmart we brought it back.

So I've come to a new conclusion: People are either lazy fuckers (Like in the last post), or annoying bastards. :D

Posted by StarF68 - July 21st, 2007

Hahaha. So I was hungry as fuck earlier, and I asked my mom if we could go somewhere and get something to eat, so she said sure. We went to McDonalds (Unfortunately, but it's better than no food at all), and then she goes "Oh, I need to go pick up the preordered Harry Potter book." Cause apparently my dad had preordered it. Since I was in the car and we were near Barnes And Noble, or whatever it's called, I was stuck.

So we go there, and there's a GIANT line of people, and instead of leaving, she actually decides to wait in line. So yeah, basically I just walked around for an hour and a half.

During that hour and a half I found myself in the Cub Foods parking lot, and I saw a bunch of carts just sitting in parking spaces, or on curbs, and shit like that, usually right next to a damn cart return. This prompted the question: Are people REALLY this fucking lazy? They honestly don't have the 10-15 seconds to return a cart?

So since I was bored I returned all of the carts, surprised that there were actually more than 15. I'm not sure how many there were exactly, but it was more than 15. And Cub Foods has a LOT of cart returns, so there's really no excuse.

Don't be a lazy bastard, return your damn cart.

Posted by StarF68 - July 19th, 2007

(Originally a myspace bulliten. Yes, that's right, who gives a fuck. :D)
(Oh, and the reason I say that is because "LOLWTF" has to do with it, if you really want to know, you can check it out here: www.myspace.com/starf68)

Or something like that. If you don't feel like it, fine, screw you. I'll be awsome, you go sit in the corner or something.

Anyways, here's a few updates:

-I'm still in the process of moving my room downstairs. HOLY SHIT MY WALLS ARE CLEARED! For the most part anyways. I'll finalize the process when someone else can help move shit up and down the stairs, which will probably be Leonardo this weekend. Ah the joys of making friends do manual labor.

-Yes, I'm still working on Xono. Stop asking.

-LOLWTF#19 is in the works. It's a special one, and I'm currently drafting, researching, and compiling stuff. Be patient. ;)

-I got the new Reel Big Fish CD today, and I plan to review it for LOLWTF#20, so since I have some material to work with, you'll probably see two LOLWTFs come by really quickly!

-I still have not decided if I'm going to quit doing LOLWTF after number 20.

-Yes, the current two blogs on top will be deleted once I finish the next LOLWTF, and no, you will not ever be able to read the current top one. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm such an asshole. :)

-I think that's enough news about LOLWTF, moving on. (In what direction?)

-I'm listening to Doom music... Seriously. NEDM could make this moment cooler... Wait...

-Just a side note, I'm still completely and totally awsome. Bite me.

-Talking to Alax will resume shortly, but I'm still in a good mood, so once again, bite me. (Yes, I'm quite aware that I'm an asshole, MUAHAHAHA! Whatever.)

-I have Mountain Dew. Sweet.

-As far as YouTube videos go, I'll be making more come the finalization of the moving downstairs, because I'll be able to freely talk, and yell, at night. Basically once the move is complete a lot more work and such will get done because I'll be able to freely work on stuff at nighttime without the fear of waking someone up and being bitched at.

-Also, I was disqualified from the Nesquik contest for 10,000$ before I even started, because upon reading the rules, apparently you have to be 18 to enter, and furthermore, 18 to even be IN the video. What kind of bullshit is that? I watched at least 10 of the entries so far and they all suck. Cory and I (Or me, or any combination of my friends for that matter) could do a WAY better video. Fuck you Nesquik, I'm never buying your product again!

-Oh yes! I remember one of the things I wanted to originally say. My friend 64 (His alias is simply "64") has gotten the full version of Skype. You know what that means right? Prank calls are back, fuck yes.

-I have a TON of content I want to share with you right now (Some of which is prank calls I've recently obtained), but I can't because I'm saving it for LOLWTF. XD (No more LOLWTF!)

-I'm STILL totally fucking awsome. Harrr.

-Okay okay, you're totally awsome too. Unless at the begining of this you decided to go sit in the corner and not be awsome. Screw you people.

-I cannot wait for the Reel Big Fish/Streetlight Manifesto/Less Than Jake/Against All Authority (But mainly the first two) concert on August 14th. When I bought my Reel Big Fish CD today the girl who rang it up (Where this the phrase "ring/rang it up" come from? There's no ringing involved...) was like "Reel Big Fish! I'm going to their concert on August 14th!" and I was like OGM ME TOO and we got into a conversation about it. It was interesting.

-My bike is finally getting fixed, and I'll be getting it back shortly. Final-fucking-ly. I can travel places again!

-I'm also finally getting my damn permit soon. I finished drivers ed more than a month ago, I've already forgotten everything I learned. I think I'm fucked as far as that permit test goes. God damn you DMV for being open during daylight hours. I have to get up at like 1PM to go there! I don't want to have to get up early.

-Even worse is that I have to go to the dentist on friday... At fucking 9AM of all times. Damnit all! Oh well.

-My birthday is coming up. Get me something awsome. Kay?

-I'm still a worthless bum who doesn't have a job, HAH! I need to get one, seriously.

-Summer is halfway over, but there's still a good amount left. Let's all make it count, come on people!!!

-I watched Layer Cake again today. It's much easier to understand and follow the third time around, and what do you know, bluray discs DO look pretty spectacular. I still think they're far too overpriced though, and a DVD would suffice. I mean seriously, we had to get a PS3, a special "high def" TV, and then pay extra money for special discs too? That we can only watch on the PS3? For fucks sake, they're not THAT fantastic.

-The Doom music finally finished. Woot! Oh yeah, I also came across the disc for the actual game, so I get to play it again. Yay.

Well that's about it really.


Posted by StarF68 - July 17th, 2007

Okay, it's time to get to my thoughts on the redesign. First off, all in all, I think it's pretty fantastic. Not only does everything look really nice, but some of the upgrades are really cool too. There's also things I don't like, but of course, you can't please everyone, and I'll get used to it anyways. Besides, they're not going to change certain things just for me, so I must deal with it.

Some of these minor annoyances include the following:

1) The lack of an exclamation point icon for posts. Now they're all emoticons. Like I said, I'll get over it, but it annoys me because I used the exclamation point... A lot. Now it got converted into the shouting face.

2) The fact that there's no "Post Reply" button at the bottom of threads. Yeah, I recently realized you can just hit "Reply To Post," but for some reason it just feels different. Once again, something I'll get over.

3) Some of the levels either don't fit in or are just ordered weirdly. For example, level 25 looks very cartoonish to me, and doesn't seem to belong. Also 33-34 (I believe those are the levels) are both shuriken levels right next to each other. I think they look cool, but they shouldn't be next to each other. Finally, levels 58 and 59 annoy me because they're people, not weapons. They simply don't fit in.

4) On the forum I think the icon takes up too much of the... "glory," so to speak. I mean the post count kinda gets buried. Now I'm not one to say post count determines the users say in a thread, but if you have a lot and you're a decent user it's nice for people to be able to easily notice that, or whatever. I don't know, I think it's just a bit too small and insignifigant as it is. Oh well.

5) Oh yes, and of course there's the fact that currently (And I hope they change this) there is no animated sigs. The new dimensions of the sigs also kinda annoys me, but I'll adjust. Hopefully they'll allow animated sigs once more in the future though.

6) And another thing about the forum. I don't like the tankmen icons, I preffered the tanks instead. That'll be another minor adjustment though.

Now onto other things. Personally I'm both glad and annoyed that the experience curve (Curve or curb? Meh, either way) is gone. I liked it in one way, but the thought of multiple level 60s somehow cheapens the status, even if that wont be achieved for awhile. But I'm also happy that leveling will become a little bit easier, and that you can't level down.

Another thing that's a bit annoying is the fact that I can't seem to view my reviews... I'm not sure if I'm clicking something wrong, if it's a glitch, or what, but I cannot get to my reviews. And on the subject of reviews, I'm saddened that the rating system has been changed to merely a 0-10 star rating system. And hopefully they'll at least add half-stars to it as well.

But once again, all in all I really like the site. I enjoy the old music being back on the front page, the fact that when you click stuff it slides down, the amusing staff page (And easter eggs), the new look in general, most of the level icons, and just all the other stuff. Fantastic job everyone.

Also, Paltalk was very interesting and fun today.

So yeah, that basically concludes my thoughts on the redesign! Hopefully all the glitches and such will be taken care of by tomorrow. Things will probably be back to normal in about a week.

And on a side-note, it's weird to think that once you take everything in, you realize the true content of the site is still all the same stuff. Heh. It'll be interesting in a year when we can talk about "the good old days" of NewGrounds, blah blah blah.

Posted by StarF68 - July 17th, 2007

Oh shit. Just trying out the new thinger.

Probably like a bunch of other people.
