So it's been awhile, kind of, and I figured I'd make a quick news post.
So yes, it's been what, a little more than a week since I've been 17? And what have I learned...
Well apparently when you turn 17 you suddenly realize how to make an at least decent video. I swear, right on my birthday I actually figured out a ton of stuff about editting videos, and have submitted somewhere around three to YouTube ever since, which didn't get a ton of hate mail, and some actually gathered intelectual responses. I'm also working on another video featuring the song "Let's Get Fucked Up" by (the?) Smut Peddlars, and the actual content shall be a surprise. :P
For those of you who have seen my videos on YouTube, particularly the cleaning ones, I must say that... Well, I don't think I'm ever going to release more. I procrastinate horribly, and at this point the whole premise seems irrelevant. Why? Well it happened awhile ago, and I've moved my room downstairs, and it's just... I don't know, it's not exciting to watch either. Plus the only remotely interesting thing would have to be the small talking pieces, and I basically covered all of them thus far.
Anyways, I'm kind of jumping around, but here's the videos I spoke of (Might as well talk about them a bit):
It's My Birthday!
This is, as you can tell from the title, just a video blog (Or "vlog," if you will) about my birthday. Not terribly exciting, but I figured out while making this that cutting and such makes it a lot easier to actually stand to watch the video, which I probably already knew, but I was just too lazy to do so before.
Time To Realize Time Is Fake
This is just a rant about time being fake, as it is a man-made concept. Even though I do refference George Carlin in the video, and I agree with what he has said about the same idea, I did NOT get the idea from him. I have thought about this before. Then I say his HBO special "Again!" (At least I believe that is the special where he talks about time) where he talked about time and said a lot of the things I'd like to get across. That made the ranting a bit difficult too, because I didn't want to accidentally "rip him off."
Also in this video and the previous for some reason the sound got screwed up, and I have no clue why. If anyone knows why this might have happened (It only happens sometimes when I upload the videos), please tell me. I use Windows Movie Maker, and when I play the video in WMM the sound is fine. It only screws up when I save it to my computer (And I do choose "Best Quality").
The Internet Is Here To Stay
Just another rant, this time about the internet. I don't think I exactly conveyed what I wanted to, but I mainly got my point across. I've talked about the internet and it's amazing effects on the world before, but what drove me to make this video is that I was watching Attack Of The Show and they were talking about some guy who said the internet was evil, and should be shut down.
Not to mention everyone else who shares these ideals, mainly parents who can't seem to restrain their kid from a computer, so they blame the internet instead of blaming themself.
Re: Pages Of YouTube
Okay, in all honesty I shouldn't really include this one. It's a one second response to a video where they asked people to describe YouTube in one word. I chose the word "communication," which to me not only applies to YouTube, but the entire internet. Be it YouTube, NewGrounds, MySpace, or any other site that has some sort of community (Forums are a great example), communication is a common thread of the internet.
You're Not Special
This is my most recent video that I took on my new camera while taking a walk, I played around with the effects while editting. Anyways, it's basically about how there's a shortage of unique thought. I really screwed up while ranting though, because what I said isn't completely true.
In general, there's really no unique thought. I mean there's probably specific thoughts that are unique, but the general notion of them is not. There are exceptions to what I said, and even in the comments for that video I stated that I could have said some things better. For the most part though, I do stand by what I say in the video, but I am ready to acknowledge that I probably got a few points wrong.
So enough with the videos, it's time to move onto a new subject!
As some of you already know, I was recently arrested. All the details can be found here: Link.
I am a liar. :(
Okay okay, let me straighten some things out. I did get arrested, and it was for bullshit reasons, but in that topic I don't know why, but I failed to tell the entire truth. I'd like to come clean right now, and I am sorry for deceiving you.
1) The "assault" that took place in the car was minor and insignifigant. I hit him LIGHTLY with one of those little toy plastic things... It was a dinosaur head on a plastic stick, you know where you pull the handle and the mouth opens and closes. I don't know what they're called. I tried to Google a picture of one, but I don't know what to search for. Basically though, it's not heavy, it's a light toy, and I didn't even hit him with it really. I mean we were in a car, it's not like I had room to even swing. I basically tapped him with a bit of force.
2) It did leave a mark. A SMALL mark. And actually I'm not even sure that it was from me, because where I hit him wasn't even near where the mark was. It wasn't a bug bite, but he WAS scratching it (for whatever reason), and continued to squeeze and scratch at it, causing it to "bleed" himself, and it did appear like a bug bite.
3) My brother isn't retarded, but he does have PDD. This wasn't a lie so much as something I forgot to throw into the story. Let me say this though: This should not be an excuse for him to defy all the rules, and it's certainly no excuse for my mom to call the police on me. He has PDD, but he isn't fucking completely stupid. He knows when to shut up, he knows how to shut up. However somehow my mom thinks that she needs to treat him special, which in turn turns him into a complete dick.
Everything else in the story is completely true, and I still feel that the entire incident was complete bullshit.
What's weird about the whole experience is that it's pretty much completely behind me now. I mean even I'm surprised at my level of apathy towards this entire situation. It's staggering that it made absolutely no impacy whatsoever on me, and even now feels like something that didn't even happen to some extent. Like a dream. Not that I'm trying to force it out of my mind, it just feels that way. Strange.
Anyways, moving onto different subjects!
Today I watched the new episode of Who Wants To Be A Superhero?, which I think is an interesting show. Kind of weird how he eliminated two people this time around. And I keep finding myself comparing the new heroes to last seasons.
Too bad Mr. Mitzvah (Or however it was spelled) got eliminated, he was a pretty cool dude. Though I will admit I'm kind of happy Ms. Limelight got kicked off. No matter what she said, she seemed a bit hypocritical, and I was especially surprised last week when she couldn't even name a power (You'd think that would be a part of the initial interview...).
I really don't want Parthenon (Or whatever) to win. Why? Just because of the way he acts. Same with Hygena (sp?), just because a superhero that's mainly based upon cleaning is, well in my opinion, stupid and kind of foolish.
The heroes I'm rooting for are Hyper-Strike, The Defuser, and Basura. Gah, I'm probably butchering these names.
And now getting to music. Yesterday I downloaded the album Get Warmer by Bomb The Music Industry! from, legally I might add. And you should do the same, because it's a great album.
Okay okay, so that's just my opinion. Personally I think BTMI! is a great band, and Goodbye Cool World is probably one of my favorite albums of all time. That's why I was excited for the new album, which proved to be just as good, if not better. It seems to combine elements from Goodbye Cool World and their oldest album, Album Minus Band. All in all it makes for a great listen, and very catchy songs which have interesting and realistic lyrics.
Well, that's about it, I'll just finish off with the cover of Get Warmer. :3